Highest Levels of Business Excellence

The Best Managed Company designation recognises companies demonstrating they have the strategic capabilities to innovate systematically, implement high-performing processes to manage opportunities and overcome risks, and focus on talent and leadership development, as well as show a proven track record of sustainable growth.

Jury members Françoise Chombar, CEO & co-founder Melexis, Geert Noels, Founder & Economist Econopolis and Rik Vera, Chairman & founding partner nexxworks, made their selections based on rigorous and independent criteria.

International Designation

The Best Managed Companies program was established 25 years ago in Canada and aims to become an international stamp of quality and excellence. The program is active in Chile, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands and Italy, and will soon be rolled out in Germany, France, China and Japan. Deloitte Private launched Belgium’s Best Managed Companies program in collaboration with Econopolis in 2017.

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