The history of GADE is a story of innovation and passion. Building high quality machines for sheet metal processing is the goal we set ourselves from our first day of business, back in 1980. In 40 years, the commitment to continuous improvement of our products has remained unchanged.
About GADE
The great company expansion of GADE was possible thanks to the proposal of reliable and high precision products. These characteristics, together with the entrepreneurial abilities of the partners who run the company, have allowed the acquisition of increasing market shares, leading to a considerable increase in orders. Currently GADE produces high-level machine tools for companies that work sheet metal and, in particular, supplies three product lines: electronically synchronized hydraulic press brakes with both inverters and hybrids technologies, electric bending presses and hydraulic guillotine shears. In addition to the high quality of the products, our company stands out in the market scene also for the completeness of the service it provides to its customers. All the activities related to the machines, in fact, are carried out internally, from the design to the sales of the product. Great results are only possible with the contribution of everyone and it is thanks to the dedication and skills of our technicians and qualified operators, constantly updated on modern technologies, that we can guarantee you a high quality, totally Italian final product.